Is my payment and personal information safe?

Absolutely! For payment, we utilize Stripe and Paypal. These are the two most trusted and secure platforms for payment processing. As a company, we will never share or sell your email or contact info. It’s just not what we do.

What if I am not able to watch the entire show or cannot finish?

It is a live stream so you will not be able to pause or rewind. However, we will be doing a rebroadcast of the entire event and all ticketholders are welcome to tune in. We will share the date of the rebroadcast once it is set.

Is this event really live?

Yes it is! And you can offer tasteful questions and comments in the chat.

I bought my ticket, now what?

Prior to the event, we will email you with all login and viewing instructions.

For any additional questions, please email Help@ViewSlipstream.com